Before we get started, a quick disclaimer: when we finished
recording this, Audacity crashed on me and I had to reconstruct my
end by pasting together 420+ audio files, so please overlook any
small audio glitches you may hear. This week, we start off
with a few different fun topics. First, the newest
Blackwater scandal directed at the founder of the company,
followed up by more legal shenanigans involving a
woman being sued for Twitter comments she made about the
response to a rental complaint, a student
charged with modding Xboxes for profit, and finally a little
more criminal nonsense regarding a recent
question posed to me by one of our listeners. After that, a
story about the
closure of a Creationist theme park leads to an exploration on
the nature of perception and reality. Finally, a bittersweet tale
of saints and faith. Enjoy!