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Lando Loves Moorcock

Jun 18, 2009

Somedays, we get welcome surprises. Somedays, you get a chance to learn something you didn’t know. Somedays, you get to ask a legend a question. Cory Doctorow posted an article on BoingBoing a while back, allowing people a chance to ask Micheal Moorcock a question. For those of you who don’t know who that is, stop what you’re doing and get yourself to a bookstore. Moorcock is one of the genius science-fiction writers of the age and is one of the writers who inspired me growing up to think harder and dream further. Well, I left my question posted, number 18 on the list.

Today, I was happily surprised to see that mine was one of the questions chosen. Chosen and answered, 13th question down. I just wanted to share my elation to you our listeners, because, I’m not always doom and gloom. This makes me happy. I have a new reading list, handed down by a master wordsmith, and only better days can lie ahead. Bless the internet for giving us access to people who once seemed impossibly far away. Are any of you guys out there Moorcock fans?