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We're Off For The Weekend

Jun 28, 2007

Hey all,

Just a quick note to let you all know we're taking the weekend off. Life and work piled up this week, so instead of a thrown together show we're taking a week to unwind before we hop back on the train.

Enjoy the last weekend of June 2007!


Jun 27, 2007

It only takes one bad apple to make you forget those who serve selflessly, so keep in mind that a lot of cops are great people who really do just want to protect and serve. That said, I encourage anyone who finds this video as maddening as I do to do exactly what I did today: write this police department and express...

Jun 23, 2007

This week Lando and I are going over a list of little things that just get on our nerves. No big issues, no world enders, just a simple list that carves out a piece of the annoyance pie we get served every day. Some bites are silly, some are bitter, but it's a good bet you'll agree on at least one of them. If nothing...

At Last

Jun 19, 2007

The following is one of the greatest articles ever written:

Real Men Love The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension

The truth finally revealed for...

Jun 16, 2007

For Show 47 Lando and I are taking a look at some of the things that we take as automatic components in our modern lives. Concepts like schooling, driving, and even religion get put under the spotlight as we try to figure out what human beings have adopted as "part of life" and whether any or all of those concepts are...