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New Illustration: Three Of A Kind

Aug 31, 2008

Hey guys,

Just finished a new illustration that I'm planning on submitting to the Threadless Drawing Contest:

Below is the finalized version after some Photoshop cleanup:

If you want to see the creation process, just click on the picture. Oh yeah, once my first drawing comes up I'll be asking you guys...

The Website Is Down

Aug 28, 2008

My Gods this is is funny, especially if you work in IT.

The Website Is Down

Update On Show 100

Aug 27, 2008

Well, doesn't look like we're going to get anybody special on for show 100, but Lando came up with an intriguing idea for the show that I think we'll run with. I'll keep it under wraps, but a decent hint is that it will probably be exactly the opposite of what you normally expect out of us. We're looking to record it...

Submitted For Your Approval

Aug 21, 2008

Hey all,

A while back I did an illustration for Ben Grundy at Mysterious Universe, which was originally going to be used (I think) on a special DVD he was going to put out. Since the site unfortunately looks quite dead, I went ahead and submitted the design for critique over at Threadless. My wife's quite a fan of the...

Your Host Is A Moron

Aug 18, 2008

Totally slipped my mind, but that survey company (see button to the right above the RSS 2.0 button) is running a contest for anyone who fills out the survey! Even if you did it already, fill it out again or have someone you know do it and you could a iPod Touch among other things! Sorry I was so late letting everyone...