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Jun 26, 2009

This week Lando kicks things off with a requiem for style, something that seems to be following common sense into the deep recesses of memory. From there we talk about comic crossovers and false advertising featuring Alan Moore. I follow that up with some anger over the recent Letterman / Palin flap, one political...

Jun 19, 2009

This week we're talking quite a bit of tech, starting off Lando telling a story about an alarm clock that comes with a bonus heart attack. From there, we talk about my recently acquired Palm Pre. We go over the good and the bad of this 'Palm saviour'. After that, rather than spend an hour comparing it to the iPhone we...

Lando Loves Moorcock

Jun 18, 2009

Somedays, we get welcome surprises. Somedays, you get a chance to learn something you didn’t know. Somedays, you get to ask a legend a question. Cory Doctorow posted an article on BoingBoing a while back, allowing people a chance to ask Micheal Moorcock a question. For those of you who don’t know who that is,...

Jun 12, 2009

This week we've got Cooter back on the panel, and we start off with the disgrace that most people like to call Spiderman 3. We talk about the movie version of the character in general before we turn to another disappointing sequel, Left 4 Dead 2. Is this a sequel, or a cash grab by Vavle? That leads us into online...


Jun 5, 2009

One of our longtime listeners alerted me to this cool little site: