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Ozone Game Night 2

May 24, 2009

OK, for our second game night I'm going to need input from YOU. What times (let's go by GMT/Zulu since that's the standard) will work for you guys? We're going to schedule it for 3 weeks from today, so that's plenty of time to either comment or email with some options on times. Depending on out schedules, we may all...

May 22, 2009

A little business up front about this show. I was in Las Vegas for Interop when we recorded this at about midnight, and the recording was being done on a laptop running a freshly installed Win 7 RC candidate. Right as I went to save the show, Audacity wrecked. I was able to salvage the files, although it took...

May 15, 2009

This week we're over the flu and back to normal, as we open tearing apart the new Wolverine movie before contemplating our dream team of John Carpenter and Riddick. After that, we discuss the Kindle DX and whether it will do anything to stem the bleeding of the big league newspaper industry. We then meander into some...

May 8, 2009

This week, it's the magical mystery tour that is the H1N1 swine flu. And yes, I know I say it wrong in the show, but it's the fear doing it to me! We're all gonna die! But if we do, will it be our own fault? Are we creating the ideal petri dish for our own mass demise? We take the few facts and a whole lot of...

Off This Week

May 1, 2009

Originally I thought we'd be off for 2 weeks 2 weeks ago, but it looks like just this week we'll be off. Nothing more than me running out of time on editing, new puppy-ness just ate my time up this week. We'll see you back here in 166 hours or so!